At the risk of breaking my streak for
random mid-year New Year's resolutions, I have made my New Year's resolution for 2008. Rest assured that this does not signal a departure from my refusal to base resolutions on the whims of some 16th century
Pope. It is just a coincidence that I have my resolution ready by the first of the year this time around. I like resolutions that are like assignments. They give you structure that gives you the opportunity to practice a skill without other stuff getting in the way. It is like working in series or on a theme.
Anyway, I have resolved this year to focus on improving design, particularly incorporating quilting in the design process. I tend to think about quilting after the top is done and I should really be thinking about it earlier in the design process. The theme this year is bad luck/good luck. So here is the assignment:
The quilts all have to be the same size. I'm thinking 91/2 by 12.
Quilting lines must be incorporated into the drawing/cartoon of the quilts.
At least 75% of the quilt should incorporate stuff my stash.
The quilts should look like they go together. The design of each quilt should consider the design of the other quilts.
As for the the theme, the subject of the quilts will be things that bring bad luck or good luck. Not every superstition, but ones that have been handed down in my family or amongst my friends. Speaking of which, I've got my black eyed peas going (the food, not the band). We always eat them on the first of the year for good luck. Happy New Year.